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Traumatic Soul Injury: Childhood, Trauma, & Substance Abuse
Class Date(s) Friday, Aug 20 2021 9:00AM-12:00PM  
Class# 21503  

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Traumatic Soul Injury: Childhood. Trauma, & Substance Abuse:

This course is vital for therapists, evaluators, and healthcare providers. As our field advances, we are learning more and more about trauma affects the brain and contributes to poor health, violent relationships, substance abuse, and the self-defeating behaviors many of our clients engage in. As a psychotherapist, assessor, or healthcare provider, you encounter individuals every day who are struggling to overcome trauma of some type or another. For many, alcohol and drugs are the method of coping. And while it is easy to be judgmental, understanding the horrific trauma endured by these individuals and the ultimate effect on their lives can make us much more understanding, much less judgmental, and much more equipped to render the help they need and deserve.

Price $38.00
  10 Seats Remaining
Class Location
(850) 671-3384